New Web Cam; Mountain Lion?
We had some strong winds with the cold front a few days ago, upsetting the oak branch with the time lapse camera. So, we need to go back to the drawing board on that set up. That freed up a camera near the offices, though.
A new neighbor (Cal alumni) who has retired in Arroyo Seco stopped me on the road to report that a spike buck was hit by a car on the Carmel Valley Road at the eastern boundary of Hastings. Picking it up, we decided to rebuild the nocturnal webcam and see what shows up.
So, check the new bait station out here. On Friday night, Nov 17, either a bobcat or mountain lion made a large meal and partially covered the carcass in that characteristic scrape of grass and twigs. A new picture is made at night every 5 minutes with Infrared LEDs and thus the required black and white camera. If we get something interesting, we will build a Quicktime movie to make a time-lapse record of the visit.
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