Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Shaggy Pig Story
I was in a auto repair shop last week. When the guys behind the counter heard I lived in Carmel Valley, they started asking me about the terrific reputation of the ferocious tuskers. I tried to explain that if you so much as sneezed at a herd, it would run away as fast as possible. In part, this is because they are hunted everywhere. But fierce? In day after day of tracking the acorn woodpeckers, our hard-working field assistants often spend parts of each day in blind. This canvas and nylon tent is occasionally approached by these "fierce creatures". Anna Brownson was able to capture these images with her pocket digital camera. Anna can confirm that so much as a rustle in the tent and the pigs panic and run away as fast as they can. Huff and puff. Here is a slide show of the piggies.