Hastings Count: Friday June 4, 2010.
Founded by the Xerces Society and managed by NABA, this is our 13th year for this annual count that is done as near as possible to early July. Here in CA, Jerry Powell has so many places he counts that he starts in June! We had 45 species in 2003, our high. Plan to meet at the entry gate on Upper Carmel Valley road (14 miles E of Carmel Valley P.O.) at 0930, Friday, June 4. This is 38601 E. Carmel Valley Road. The cross-road is Martin Road. We need more participants. Join Dr. Jerry Powell, a world-famous expert in moths and butterflies. A good walk of 2-3 miles is involved. But hey. Jerry is well into his 70s... Our poster child is Speyeria adiaste, the Unsilvered Fritillary a "national unique" butterfly. Call Mark Stromberg 831 659 2664 or contact Jerry Powell (powellj@berkeley.edu). You can RSVP on the Hasting Facebook page. See ya!
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