Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts of Hastings
Bryophyte fans of Hastings now have a species list on the Hastings website. Ken Kellman of Santa Cruz, one of the 75 or so who participated in the 2004 SoBeFree excursion at Hastings was kind enough to provide the species lists, as well as listings from the database on the bryophytes of Hastings. Ken's listing includes all the known specimen data from Hastings on the bryophytes. Thanks, Ken!

Bryophyte fans of Hastings now have a species list on the Hastings website. Ken Kellman of Santa Cruz, one of the 75 or so who participated in the 2004 SoBeFree excursion at Hastings was kind enough to provide the species lists, as well as listings from the database on the bryophytes of Hastings. Ken's listing includes all the known specimen data from Hastings on the bryophytes. Thanks, Ken!
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