Red House Replacement Underway
Nearly 3 years ago, we were awarded funds from a competitive program in the National Science Foundation. By waiting until now, we can match those funds 1:1 with state Prop 84 funds. So finally, we started the process of replacing the crumbling, rodent-infested Red House. The first steps are site preparation. We saved as much of the old house as possible- cast iron tub, space heater, some windows and doors, etc. The rest is being removed by Lindsey Friday. We will be preparing a level site to provide good parking, handicapped access and west-facing deck. We are replacing the 600 sq. ft. shack with two modular 800 sq. ft. cabins. They will share a deck and the view. The new buildings will provide excellent housing. A few documenting photos for all you folks who stayed in the Red House over the years. We are saving a section of the old red wall and will put it up on the new buildings.

Here is an example of the wiring in the attic- notice how the mice and wood rats have chewed the insulation almost entirely off the wires. Yikes!
We also found that a single-wall stove pipe went through the attic from the back bedroom and the attic walls were black with charred wood. It almost burned down at least once in its long career.