On the weekend of Aug 20-21, about 32 students from UC Berkeley, Department of Integrative Biology, spent the days socializing and walking around Hastings. Here they are at the top of Poison Oak Hill, with Junipero Serro peak in the distance. Many slept under the stars. I gave them an introduction to the natural history on Saturday morning. They had a great time and who knows? Maybe a few will include Hastings in their graduate studies. Those attending: Jeremy Crawford, Matthew Boser, Rosemary Romero, Allison Stegner, Mel Yang, Marc Badger, Michael Landis, Lucy Chang, Katie LaBarbera, Renske Kirchholtes, Dave Hurt, Zhang Boran, David Armitage, Benjamin Peter, Jenny Hofmeister, Laurel Barchas, Anna Geraghty, Jenna Judge, Charlene Ng, Nick Matske, Emily Lindsay, Bier Kraichak, Liz Ferrer, Sean Reilly, Sarah Werning, Tracy , and Darko Cotoras. photos by Nick Matzke.